Sometimes you just have to start something

How many times over the years have I started a blog only to abandon it after just a few posts?

More than a few.

The reason is much the same reason why I'm starting this one with a new theme that I haven't tackled before: How to think about technology and get excited geeking out on it in an intentional way. In order to learn about technology, you have to try it, you have to experiment, you have to fail. You can't be afraid of it not working or breaking something along the way.

Intentional Geek 
  • Intentional - (adj) done on purpose; deliberate.
  • Geek - (verb) engage in or discuss computer-related tasks obsessively or with great attention to technical detail.
This blog is my self examination of how I attempt to be purposeful in how I use technology. It's not about owning the latest gadget or knowing all the hacks and shortcuts for an app. It's about deciding what I'm going to use to better my life, and mastering that tool, skill, and workflow. 

Let's see what happens. I still need a lot of help on this journey. I'm no expert and things are always changing. I think there's a lot of other people out there like me too. I invite you to participate and geek out with me a bit as we try to make our lives better. 

- CoreyPud 1/21/2020


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